Category Archives: Board Governance

307. Responding to Disappointment — Hearing “No!”

When a church board works diligently to develop a well-presented recommendation to the staff, or the congregation or some external body (e.g., a denominational conference), but receives a negative response, how the board and its members handle this result defines … (read the rest)

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306. Church Boards and Spiritual Authority

A church board with which I am connected is considering some changes to its structure and functions. At this point it is constituted as an “elders board” and one of the questions raised in these discussions focused on the issue … (read the rest)

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305. Church Boards and Church Transformation

In his book “The Advantage” Patrick Lencioni argues that organizational sustainability and advancement only occur when the leadership gives consistent, focused attention to improving organizational health. In the congregational context church boards, which include the lead pastor, carry the responsibility … (read the rest)

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304. The Catalytic Power of Clarity.

Congregations as human systems develop their own ‘ecologies’. Such systems demonstrate complexity because they are communities that possess many different kinds of relationships. The longer the system exists, the greater the complexity because ‘tradition’ accumulates and varied expectations become operative. … (read the rest)

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303. Is it Time? Renewing The Ministry of a Church Board

How long has it been since your church board has examined how it goes about doing its work? Five years? Ten years? Never? Perhaps it is time for a serious review. How much has your congregation changed in that period … (read the rest)

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