Category Archives: Board Governance

312. What Kinds of Information Does a Church Board Need To Do Its Job Responsibly?

Church board members experience two or three, widely different situations when it comes to information — too much, too little, or too confusing. Without truthful, relevant data presented with knowledgeable analysis board members will struggle to make the appropriate, strategic … (read the rest)

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311. Can Church Boards Dispense with the Vice-Chair Position — and Should They?

In a recent blog D. Brown (Governance Solutions June 2017) indicates that the position of vice-chair has “all but disappeared in the corporate/private sector, and even much of the public sector,” although they still are prevalent in not-for-profit agencies. Church … (read the rest)

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310. Lessons Learned About Church Board Leadership (2)

In blog article #309 I reviewed five findings about seminary boards and governance leadership published in the Association of Theological Schools “Colloquy Online May 2017” by E. S. Brown. While seminary boards function in a different context than church boards, … (read the rest)

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309. Lessons Learned about Church Board Leadership

In a recent article published in the Association of Theological Schools “Colloquy Online May 2017” E. S. Brown summarizes “ten lessons learned” seminaries have learned about governance. I recognize that seminary boards function in a different context than church boards, … (read the rest)

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308. Board Chairs and Organizational Leadership

I am coming to realize more than ever before how important the competence of organizational leadership has become for church boards and lead pastors. When I use the term “organizational leadership” I mean the capacity of the leadership in an … (read the rest)

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