Category Archives: Board Governance

318. My New Book About Leading as a Church Board Chairperson.

A few years ago I developed a “Manual for Church Board Chairs.” During the past year I have edited this manual into a book entitled: The Art of Kubernēsis (1 Corinthians 12:28): Leading As the Church Board Chairperson. The publisher … (read the rest)

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317. Board Values and Board Governance.

In their book “Reviewing Leadership” (Second edition, 2016), Bernice Ledbetter, Robert Banks and David Greenhalgh include a chapter entitled “Governance: practicing faith-based leadership.” They suggest a number of leadership qualities that non-profit board leaders should exemplify under the general category … (read the rest)

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316. Reflections of a Retired Church Board Chairperson.

Three years ago I completed ten years as chairperson of our church board. I continued to serve another two years as a board member, but have now completed that term. The transition has gone well personally and I still serve … (read the rest)

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315. Book Review #12: “Lessons from the Nonprofit Boardroom” by Dan Busby and John Pearson. (ECFA Press, 2017. 225 pages)

Dan Busby is the president of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. John Pearson is well-known for his work as a nonprofit board consultant and CEO of various nonprofit agencies. Their joint publication offers an easy, but challenging look into … (read the rest)

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313. Defaulting to the Probable and Overlooking the Possible.

Generally speaking humans find comfort in sustaining predictable patterns and tend to avoid actions that require them to create new, untested and previously unknown processes. Church board members default to this human modality more often than they might think or … (read the rest)

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