A few years ago I developed a “Manual for Church Board Chairs.” During the past year I have edited this manual into a book entitled: The Art of Kubernēsis (1 Corinthians 12:28): Leading As the Church Board Chairperson. The publisher is Wipf and Stock (ISBN 13: 978-1-5326-6798-5). It includes some of the material published on this site, but a considerable number of new resources.
Each chapter focuses on a particular aspect of church board chairing and concludes with a case study that incorporates questions designed to stimulate the reader’s reflections. Several appendices provide sample documents and forms that can assist you to guide your church board to greater excellence and good practices.
It is available on Amazon, Ingram, and Kindle (cost varies). You can also order it directly today from Wipf & Stock (www.wipfandstock.com). The price for the paperback will be about $35.

This is the Table of Contents:
Preface | ix
Introduction | xi
Chapter 1: Foundational Paradigms and Principles: The Nature of Governance Leadership within a Local Church | 1
Chapter 2: Roles and Responsibilities of Church Boards: “Examples to the Flock” (1 Pet 5:3) | 22
Chapter 3: Models of Church Board Governance | 38
Chapter 4: Discerning and Building Your Leadership Character as Church Board Chairperson | 60
Chapter 5: Church Board Chairperson and Lead Pastor Relations | 73
Chapter 6: Leading the Church Board as a Ministry Team | 89
Chapter 7: Developing and Sustaining Church Board Effectiveness | 102
Chapter 8: Chairing an Ethnically Diverse Church Board | 123
Chapter 9: The Church Board Chairperson and Key Board Operational Issues: Internal Matters | 134
Chapter 10: The Church Board Chairperson and Key Board Operational Issues: External Relations | 155
Chapter 11: Church Board Chairpersons, Legal Issues, and Finances | 173
Chapter 12: Chairing in the Midst of “Black Swan” Events | 186
Chapter 13: Keeping it Fresh | 200
Chapter 14: Finishing Well | 209
A. Sample Church Board Chairperson Role Description | 215
B. Sample Church Board Role Description | 219
C. Sample Church Board Chair Evaluation Instrument | 221
D. Sample Church Board Covenant | 223
E. Sample Church Board Code of Ethical Conduct | 224
F. Sample Discussion Brief and Decision Profile Templates | 226
G. Samples of Church Board Assessment Instruments | 229
Bibliography | 237